Fought Disorder
Ten years ago, Oli smoked too much cannabis and developed schizophrenia. Fought Disorder tells the story of his first psychotic episode, which involved four weeks in psychiatric intensive care. He spent most of that time unmedicated, believing he was on a reality TV show designed by Derren Brown. The book places special emphasis on formal thought disorder, symptoms that affect language, communication, and thought.
Fought Disorder is intended to offer insight to professionals, patients, and their relatives. There are also plenty of pop cultural references for the general reader.
Oli went on to work in mental health and later completed his PhD on formal thought disorder in schizophrenia. He lives with his wife and daughter in Devon, UK.
Some Poems
Some Poems is a short collection of approximately sixty poems that were written between 2007 and 2012. Many of the later poems follow the imagist tradition.